Toads Versus Frogs

An epic show down to end all show downs. Or, not really but it might be interesting anyway? Like, what is actually the difference between frogs and toads?


Cute? Yes. Frog? No. 

To start things off on the ‘right’ track; there is no scientific distinction between frogs and toads. None. The end. I’m back from a seven month-long hiatus and I’m writing a three sentence long blog post just to share cute pictures of frogs/toads.

Just kidding.

Even though there is no ‘scientific’ distinction between the two, according to some way-smarter-than-me people… there are distinctions to be made none the less!


This (the above photo) is a frog! Frogs are amphibians, but spend most of their time in the water and are known for their jumping abilities, croaking, buggy eyes and slimy skin.  Frogs also have teeth, while toads do not. There are over 6,000 species of frogs all over the world.


This handsome lad is a toad. Toads are also amphibians but prefer to spend most of their time on land. Toads have dry bumpy skin, short legs, and they prefer to walk and hop rather than jump. The bumps covering the body of a toad are not warts, and a person cannot get warts from handling a toad. Toads do have a trick up their sleeves…..bumps….whatever, the large lumps or glands behind their eyes can secrete a burning milky toxin to deter predators.

To quote Christopher Raxworthy, Associate Curator of Herpetology at the American Museum of Natural History “all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads.” A great quote, but doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as “four score and seven years ago..” but I digress. In the real world, the word ‘toad’ is used to describe any frog that has dry warty skin and stubby legs.

Both critters are amphibians (my favorite class of animals), the word amphibian comes from the Greek word that means “both lives”, that is because both of them start their lives in the water, and either permanently or at times, live the rest of it on land. Both toads and frogs are classified under the same order Anura, and under that order ‘frogs’ fall under the family Ranidae or ‘true frogs’, while toads are in the family Bufonidae. But they both started in the same place, they hatched from eggs laid in the water. Basically toads and frogs are first cousins of the animal kingdom.


Frogs and toads are super diverse, I mean look at this bad boy!

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way…on to the fun facts!

  • On opposite ends of the spectrum, the largest frog in the world is the Goliath Frog which is 13.5″ long and can weigh more than 6.6 lbs! But the smallest frog is the gold frog which is only .4 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces (the size of a dime!)
  • When a frog or toad swallows its prey, it blinks. That is because blinking actually pushes the eyeballs down on top of the mouth, which helps them push food down their throats.
  • A frog or toad sheds all of its skin once a week (much like a snake), and after it sheds, the frog or toad usually eats it!!
  • One gram of toxin produced by the golden poison dart frog could kill 100,000 people. (One type of frog I might avoid trying to catch.)

I hope this provides all you weirdos with a great topic of conversation this holiday season, when you once again get stuck at the kids table with your weird Aunt Karen.

Where I get all my info:

The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology

National Geographic

Any my brain, because I am obsessive.

Drunk Nature

Ever see a certain animal and immediately you just can’t believe its real? Like…why does this thing exist? Am I being pranked? Is this some weird internet meme I am slowly becoming unaware of because I’m pushing thirty and am becoming less and less in touch with popular culture , and maybe I should just let it go instead of clinging helplessly onto any last shred of my youth? I mean…….nevermind. I’m sure you all understand though, some animals just really defy any sort of explanation. So here’s a quick list of some that just totally blow my mind.


Not a pokemon…promise! Photo Credit: Cedric and Elyane Jacquet

The Pangolin, whose name means ‘roller’ because of its unique defense mechanism of rolling into a ball when threatened is one weird looking little dude. They are also called scaly anteaters, and despite their habit of snacking on tasty ants, they are not related to anteaters at all, actually they are more closely related to sloths and armadillos. There are eight species of pangolins, which weirds me out to think that there are 8 different varieties of these little aliens walking around, speaking of walking, they are also bipedal, meaning they walk on two legs just like a person (or an alien)! They are also the only mammal with scales, get that? A mammal, a warm-blooded creature like your cute pet puppy or kitten….but covered in scales….*cue heavy metal music in background*. All is not sunshine and rainbows for the pangolin though, They are the most trafficked mammal in the world, hunted to the brink of extinction for their meat and the ‘medicinal’ qualities of their scales.


Photo Credit: Paul Slarosta

For number two, we have this little charmer, the hairy frog aka the horror frog aka the wolverine frog aka SUPER FROG. This beast is really the most nasty little dude I’ve ever heard of, and really the inspiration for this whole post. The male hairy frog is covered in hair like papillae (which is a small rounded protuberance on the body, nipples and taste buds are also papillae) but only during breeding season. Info on the hairy frog is scarce, but scientists believe they grow this weird skin/hair to increase surface area for respiration to take place, which allows them to stay under water longer to guard their eggs, meaning the ‘hair’ essentially acts as gills. Hairy frogs mainly live on land but as tadpoles they are extremely muscular (do you even lift brah?), and as they grow up they feed on slugs, spiders, beetles and grasshoppers…but that’s not what we are here for….the main reason the hairy frog is so messed up is that they break their own toe bones to form claws to fight off other frogs and possibly to get a better grip on climbing surfaces. Let me repeat myself, THEY BREAK THEIR OWN BONES TO FORM CLAWS. What in the actual hell.


Image of a hairy frogs broken toe bone poking through skin to form a damn claw. Photo Credit: Blackburn

So, all those nicknames suddenly make a lot more sense now huh?


Not just a pretty face. Photo Credit: Meghan Murphy for the Smithsonian National Zoo

Now onto the real beauty queen of the animal world, the naked mole rat. Not just a character made up for the tv show Kim Possible, the naked mole rat is a real thing. This little nudist is native to Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya. They are actually not even moles or rats but are more closely related to porcupines or guinea pigs. Naked mole rats live in colonies much like bees, there is one queen surrounded by worker rats and soldier rats, the workers and soldiers are celibate aside from 1-3 males who breed with the queen (so, naked mole rat monk soldiers?? Has Pixar heard of this?) the colonies range from 20-300 individuals and they live completely underground. Queen mole rats are not born into their roles either, they fight their way to the top (feminist icons I tell yah) and all members of the colony can live to be around 30 years old, making them the longest lived rodent species. One more super ultra fun fact, naked mole rat incisors (the front buck teeth) move independently of each other and can be used much like chop sticks!


Photo Credit: Chris Fallows

Next on the docket we have the Mola Mola fish, or as the Germans say “swimming head” because of its ‘somewhat’ unconventional looks. These big old lazy bastards spend half their day laying at the surface of the water like they are dead so they can get warmed up by the sun after deep under water dives for food. And don’t worry, the mola mola’s diet is super normal, their favorite snack being only the gonads and arms of jellyfish…..lets say a prayer for those poor armless, dickless victims of the mola mola.  The average size of this fish is 10 ft long and 2,200 lbs! The biggest mola mola on record weighed an amazing, and alarming(think about all the jellyfish arms and private bits this one had to eat) 5000 lbs, making them the biggest boney fish in the world. They trump sharks and whale sharks for biggest boney fish because sharks and whale sharks  have cartilage skeletons, unlike the mola mola who has a skeleton with bones just like ours! Which really gives a new meaning to the old saying ‘big boned’ *buh dum tissss* I’ll see myself out.

One more photo just for size comparison…


Watch out for your gonads! Photo Credit:Getty Images

Our grand finale on this booze cruise through nature is the tufted deer. Should really be called the Dracula deer if you ask me. Not a whole lot is known about the tufted deer, so excuse my brevity but I really just thought that these guys needed to be seen……mainly for selfish reasons because they might be my new favorite animal. Tufted deer are very small, weighing between 37-110 lbs and only about 1.6′ to 2.3′ at the shoulder. They are native to the mountainous regions of southern/central  China and possibly Myanmar. The males have very small antlers which are hidden by a mohawk of hair on their heads, but that’s ok as they also have a set of badass 1″ ‘tusks’ or ‘fangs’ that they use to fight rival males and use to defend territory.


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Tufted deer are very shy, usually only coming out at dusk or dawn to forage vegetation. They will make a ‘bark’ noise to alert of predators in the area(mainly leopards and humans) and to help scare them away. Even though I totally wouldn’t mess with this vampire deer….its like a goth Bambi.

So there ya have it, a quick dive into some of natures weirdest critters. I know I didn’t cover a lot of facts but I just like to bring awareness to some of the cooler things this world has to offer…..pretty hard to believe some of these exist! And I personally think that is awesome! Nature, go home…..your drunk.

Credit and thanks goes to:

Hyenas, natures badasses.

Alright, a lot of things in nature are pretty badass…I get it. But listen, I spend a lot of my free time thinking about hyenas (are you really surprised?) and I honestly believe they are one of the most metal creatures on the face of the earth. They are adorable and disgusting all rolled into one, and that’s really my favorite mixture of things ever.


Future metal band cover art.

Hyenas, all four types of them, are much more closely related to cats than the dogs they resemble. They are members of the suborder Feliforma which is a classification for cat-like carnivores. With only four different species of hyena, it is the fifth smallest family in the classification Carnivora and one of the smallest in the class Mammalia (harken back to your high school biology class for all of this ‘orders’, ‘family’, and ‘suborders’ nonsense). Back in prehistoric times hyenas formed two distinct types, lightly built more ‘dog-like’ hyenas and big hefty ‘bone crushing’ hyenas. Yeah, that’s a real thing, bone crushing hyenas……how dope is that? Of the smaller dog-ish hyenas only one survived  into modern times, the aardwolf. While the three other hyenas (brown, spotted and striped….seriously the most uncreative names on the planet) fall into the badass bone crusher category.

But let’s get started with this little dude, the aardwolf, smallest of the hyenas and kinda the cutest.


So precious! Compared to his cousins at least.

The aardwolf weighs only 17-30 ish pounds and they are about 33-41 inches long (most of that being their tail). Aardwolves look a lot like striped hyenas, just tinier! They live in a bunch of different places, southern Zambia, Angola, Mozambique, northeastern Uganda, Somalia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt…..all in Africa for any of you who slacked off in geography class. These guys are mainly insectivores, meaning they eat bugs, mainly termites actually….lots and lots of termites, when a aardwolf goes out to dinner just one of them can eat 300,00 termites…..that’s in a single outing!

The aardwolf’s bigger look a like is the striped hyena…


Striped hyenas weigh 57-90 pounds, 39-45 inches long and about 26-30 inches tall from paw to shoulder. They have the biggest range of any of the hyenas, living in north/northeast Africa, the Middle East and Asia…as far away as southern Siberia! Striped hyenas are mainly scavengers but will hunt down defenseless animals, and if that doesn’t work for them, they will eat fruit. These cool looking dudes are also almost totally silent, while other hyenas communicate with sounds (laughter being one of them!) the striped hyena mainly communicates with body language and some random laughs and howls.

The brown hyena is up next…


Legitimately looks like it crawled out of the depths of hell….or how I look after a Friday night.

Brown hyenas are the second biggest species of hyena, ranging from 51-63 inches long and weighing anywhere from 75-165 pounds. They look a bit different from other hyenas due to the long shaggy hair all over their bodies that can be as long as 12 inches, and probably requires weekly blow outs…just saying. Brown hyenas  have the most limited range and live only in southern Africa. These hell beasts mainly scavenge on left over prey from lions and other predators, or other dead animals, they will occasionally eat fruits and unlike the spotted hyenas, they do not hunt in groups.

Speaking of the baddest of the bad…..


Spotted hyenas, where do I even start….they, as the kids would say, are bad bitches. They are the largest species of hyena, 4-5.9 feet long, about 2.5 feet tall from paw to shoulder and weigh anywhere from 88-190 lbs, with the ladies being 10 percent heavier than the males. Spotted hyenas live south of the Sahara desert and they are the most numerous large predator in the Serengeti. Contrary to popular belief (coughdisneycough) spotted hyenas are not lazy scavengers, they can run up to 37 mph and the clan works together to take down big prey like zebras, wildebeest, antelope etc. Clans can  be as large as 80 members, and unlike most mammals, all females rank higher than the males in the clan, the females are larger and much more aggressive.

Speaking of the female hyenas……this is about to get a little graphic. Pregnant high-ranking female hyenas provide their developing babies with higher levels of androgen, a male sex hormone associated with aggression, than lower-ranking females. This can damage the alpha mothers ovaries though which makes it difficult to conceive, but this honestly isn’t even the hardest thing a pregnant female hyena has to go through, a female spotted hyena gives birth through a birth canal, pretty normal right? That birth canal is the clitoris, which is only an inch in diameter…..yup, imagine giving birth through a penis, that’s pretty much whats its like. A two pound cub is squeezed through a canal that is only 1″ in diameter and about 7″ long…..I honestly don’t even have anything funny to say at this point. Just ouch. Thanks to their mothers sacrifice baby hyenas from alpha mothers are born hyper-aggressive, giving them a better shot at survival. (Hyena moms better get a hell of a mother’s day present, that’s all I gotta say.)


“Oh shit, you didn’t get mom anything for mothers day either??” 


Hyenas of all types have commonly been misunderstood, but they have always been a part of folklore and mythology. Usually viewed as scary and worthy of hatred, they are thought to influence people’s spirits, rob graves and steal livestock and children. Certain cultures also associate them with witchcraft and use their body parts in traditional African medicine. The Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania even leave their dead to be consumed by hyenas, instead of burying them.

So, add any one of these guys on to your list of ‘animals not to fuck with’.

Toast to Terrapins

This blog is called, “Beasts and Brew”….but aside from implying that I’m drinking and ranting about animals I’ve pretty much neglected talking about the brews. That is  gonna change today! We are going to discuss one of my go to beers and the animal associated with it.

Terrapin Arched Logo (1)

Terrapin Beer Co., founded by John Cochran and Spike Buckowski, they brewed up their first beer back in April of 2002, a ‘Rye Pale Ale’ and have since gone on to win awards and make tons of different delicious and thirst quenching brews! They started out in the Southeast United States but their range is quickly expanding and more and more people are finding out about them. Terrapin Beer Co. currently has 7 year round beers, four seasonal session ales and a dozen or more special beers and projects that appear from time to time. My favorite beer from them, ‘Hopsecutioner’, is an IPA with a hoppy flavor that basically punches ya right in the face, in all the right ways.

Hopsecutioner Sqaure

I freaking love their labels!

I emailed the Terrapin Beer Co.’s PR specialist Leah Kuck and was super excited to receive an email back almost immediately, how cool is that? She happily answered my goofy question as to why their company is called Terrapin, the answer I got back was a little different from what I was expecting, I thought maybe a founder had some weird obsession with turtles (coming from someone with weird animal obsessions, this isnt a bad thing!) but no! Actually both founders are some pretty serious Deadheads (followers of the band The Grateful Dead,for any weirdo who didn’t know that)  and they got the name from the album Terrapin Station which also features turtles on the album…..pretty sweet yeah?



Not just regular turtles, dancing turtles!

Even cooler yet is that the artists who draw and design all the turtles for Terrapin Beer Co. Richard Biffle and Chris Pinkerton are artists who have both worked with the Grateful Dead! Boom, I think my brain just exploded. At this point I’m geeking out ok? But it gets even cooler, each year at Philly Beer Week, Terrapin Beer Co. hosts turtle races…yup, that’s right….you can watch actual turtles race to a finish line all while sipping on a cold beer (when I die, I sincerely hope this is what heaven is like).  They also work with the Turtle Alliance on fundraisers, I’ll include a link to the Turtle Alliance at the bottom because that is one cool organization that deserves some more attention.

But what is a terrapin? As per usual, I like to start with the dictionary definition and work my way forward, according to the dictionary a terrapin is a “small edible turtle with lozenge-shaped markings on its shell, found in coastal marshes of the eastern US.” Ugh, that whole thing made me a little uncomfortable ‘edible?’ ‘lozenge-shaped?’….wtf? And pretty unhelpful, no surprise. Turns out it really depends on where you come from, people in Europe define terrapin a little differently than us in the US, and don’t even get me started on the Australians……just kidding….but really, it makes it ten times more confusing. The best way I can sum it up is, all terrapins are turtles, but not all turtles are terrapins……but in the US, you can kind of use the term turtle and terrapin interchangeably. You can even throw tortoises into the mix….what the hell is the difference? I’m going to do my best, and use lot of pictures to try to make this easier, and forgive me for any mistakes as sometimes it’s not so easily defined.


“Get on with it lady, it’s really not that hard to understand”

This photo is a tortoise. They are strictly land critters and have big flat, unwebbed feet. This big dude aint going swimming any time soon, he’d sink faster than you can say “tortoises arent aquatic, please don’t throw me into the ocean.”


This is a turtle. See the flippers? They live in the ocean and only really come out of the water to drag themselves up onto shore to lay eggs. Strictly aquatic.


“I’m fabulous”

And this, is a turtle/terrapin whatever the hell you call it based on where you live. See how they kind of have a combo of the two photos above? They have feet instead of flippers, but the feet are webbed. They spend equal amounts of time on land and in the water. Now some people define terrapins as living in brackish water only (brackish is a mixture of salt and fresh water, think rivers and swamps that meet up with the ocean). Terrapins also hibernate in burrows dug into the mud banks of rivers when the temperature dips below 50 degrees fahrenheit (I do the same, just not usually in a mud filled hole on the side of a river bank, but hey…to each their own.)

I hope this helped clear up a little confusion, or at the very least made you want to go out and try a beer from Terrapin Beer Co., trust me….after trying to figure out the difference between a turtle and a terrapin, I could use a stiff drink as well.



Many thanks goes out to:

Leah Kuck, social media and PR specialist at


And please take some time to check out the Turtle Survival Alliance, doing damn good work all across the world for turtles! (or terrapins…whatever, I’m still confused) But honestly, they are a huge proponent of turtle conservation, and our little shelled friends need all the help they can get!



Don’t be a hater! Part.2

Alright! Lets get down to it, a few more critters in our ‘most hated’ list to cover!


Well maybe if they would stop screaming, we would like them more.

BatsThese poor little dudes, years of bad press have really done a number on these guys, and that whole Dracula thing really didn’t help (I’m looking at you Bram). Bats have long been associated with the mysterious and the supernatural. Negative folklore, suspicions and just a mass misunderstanding have really made the majority of us hate bats. Aside from people associating bats with witches and vampires and all sorts of things that go bump in the night, many people assume all bats carry rabies and they are a direct threat to….well…everyone. In actuality, its pretty uncommon for a bat to even carry rabies. Less than 1/2 of 1% of bats may contract rabies, other wild animals such as foxes, skunks and raccoons are far more likely to be a carrier for the disease. Only 1 or 2 people a year in the United States die from bat related rabies a year, making it far more likely that you would contract leprosy or the plague (I’m not a doctor, but I think that makes it pretty damn unlikely). Bats do a ton of a lot more good than they do bad, one tiny little brown bat can eat 1000 mosquitos in just an hour!! And if you like tequila (and who doesn’t?) you better learn to like bats, tequila is produced from agave plants whose seed production drops to 1/3000th of normal without bat pollinators. And and and… an anti-coagulant in vampire bat saliva is even used to treat heart and stroke patients! That is pretty damn cool. In all reality, I could go on and on about the cool shit bats do, and how they are pretty awesome…but your just gonna have to trust me on it! Be nice to bats. Make Batman proud.


Or else…..


Opossums- You know that saying, “don’t judge a book by its cover”, well….nobody seems to apply that to opossums. Straight up, they are ugly, that weird mottled color, bristly hair, the naked rat like tail and those teeth!! I’m all for embracing your natural beauty but…ehh….a makeover might not hurt these little critters. As with so many other animals on this list rabies seems to be the number one reason why we tend to ‘dislike’ these guys, but would it surprise you to know that opossums are mostly immune to rabies?! Yup. IMMUNE. They can eat up rabid pests without passing along the disease to anything else, they are actually 8 times less likely to carry rabies compared to wild dogs. But what about that nasty reputation as a scavenger, always getting into your garbage cans and messing up you lawn or home…..well its true, but it’s also not always a bad thing! These dudes totally love eating insects (one of their favorites are mosquitos!),rodents, snakes and even slugs and snails! They also have a high need for calcium so when they do scavenge, they actually eat most of the bones as well!! They are also the only marsupial found north of Mexico, they carry their babies in their pouch until they are old enough to ride on their back. Lets be honest, under that ugly, weird exterior…..opossums just want to protect you from all sorts of other nasties!


Hey girl heyyyyyyy.

Skunks– Before we really get down to the nitty-gritty about skunks, let’s get a little personal here. At my last house, early one morning (think 5:30, the sun isn’t even up yet) I got up to go to work, I had to let my dogs out and I was standing in the dark with them waiting for them to finish up so we could go inside and I could get ready for the day. As I let them off their leads, my one dog takes off running into the darkness…I obviously freak out and start to chase him….like wtf was he doing??? As I round the corner and see him, I can see that he’s ‘attacking’ something? I’m thinking he caught a rabbit and I am  freaked out, I do not need blood and guts this early in the morning, so in my morning stupor I jump into the fray and attempt to pull my dog from whatever poor victim he is attacking….and thats when I realize, this aint no rabbit….its Carl, our resident yard skunk. Lets be honest, at this point I’m screaming, I’ve tackled my dog and touched a skunk and it’s not even daylight yet, where did I go wrong? What did I do in a past life to deserve this? I pull my dog off of Carl and Carl the skunk scampers back into the darkness and the dog and I take off running to the house…I couldn’t smell anything yet so I figure, if I run fast enough I can avoid the spray cloud right? WRONG. Dead wrong. Once back in the house, the stench hits me, it smells so strong my eyes water and I have a little trouble breathing….the dog and myself had been sprayed by a freaking skunk….

I do not tell this story for no reason (well kinda, it’s just a hilarious story so I gotta share!), the stink that skunks produce is the main reason why people hate them. Obviously this poor skunk was caught off guard and they only use their spray when defending themselves, but man alive, its awful! Rabies also once again rears its ugly head too as a reason to dislike skunks and I can’t even really defend them on this one…..they are pretty well-known to carry rabies. They are also pretty reckless scavengers, they will dig large holes throughout a yard looking for morsels like grubs and snails, and if they cant find any in the yard they will just tear through your garbage instead…yay! Not. Now skunks are just kinds of stinky pains in the ass, but they are cute and as always…all animals are important, and skunks play a vital role in the ‘circle of life’ *cue music*. They are very beneficial in controlling the mice and insect populations, which are both animals that destroy crops! So, cheers to you, ya smelly bastards! 


No he will not play fetch with you.

And last but certainly not least……

Coyotes-Ok where I’m from (rural, farm land midwest….please stand up) these guys are the numero uno villain. In Ohio for instance, it is always open season on coyotes, contests are even held for coyote hunts! The question “are coyotes bad?” is pretty polarizing, hunters, farmers, families with pets that live outside etc are usually pretty much against the existence of coyotes, but what does that mean for the coyotes themselves? Is it true? Are they actually just assholes? Well, as always there are two sides to every coin, straight up…coyotes prey on deer. They mainly prey on fawns, but will hunt full-grown deer when necessary. They will also prey on household pets and farm animals if the situation presents itself (think of it this way, you always try to eat healthy, but one day you’re starving, and someone offers you a slice of pizza…..are you gonna say no?). But according to the top two coyote removal studies conducted concerning white tail deer populations, coyote removal does not affect overall population growth, but does affect overall fawn survival…for a time. What this means is that, coyotes prey on fawns, but many of these fawns would not survive into adulthood anyway, meaning the general population stays the same regardless if coyotes are present or not! Interesting stuff, and trust me, a whole other post could be dedicated to just this thought, so forgive my brevity. On the bad side of the coin, coyotes do carry rabies, and they have adapted shockingly well to their new urban environments…..all the lower 48 states have coyotes to some extent or another. But despite their sometimes crappy behavior (eating the family cat, or ruining your favorite hunting spot) they are a keystone species, meaning that their presence or absence has a significant impact on the surrounding biological community. A keystone species is an animal that has a disproportionately large effect on its environment relative to its abundance (thanks Wikipedia!) and they maintain the ‘proper’ ecological structure in said envrionment…….sooo, in short, coyotes are pretty damn important! Think of it this way, think of a keystone in an arch…keystone_01

While the keystone is under the least pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch still collapses with out it…pretty cool way to look at a lot of the creatures we consider, gross, mean, useless etc…..without them, we may not have the world we have today!


Thanks as always:


And any and all things wikipedia….obviously.

Don’t be a hater! Part.1

Small disclaimer, I’m going to break this one into two parts, why? Because I have the attention span of a goldfish (put a pin in that thought, that could be yet another drunken animal rant) and I fear this was getting a little long-winded. 

As humans, we just innately like to hate things….don’t argue that, it’s a fact. And even though most of us love animals, we also really like to dislike a few of them too. We have good reasons behind a lot of our hatred, but some of it is a little ill placed. I’ll admit it, as a kid I loved all bugs, slimy, leggy, big, small. As an adult? I’m pretty selective about what bugs don’t freak me the hell out. But it’s not just creepy crawlies, a lot of people hate other animals for reasons that are often times misinformed. So, I’ve compiled a list/rant about some of the more hated animals.

                                                  So lets start that animal burn book!


“Draw me like one of your French girls”

Cockroaches-I mean this one is kinda a gimme. Obviously cockroaches are gross. Part of the reason they suck so bad is that they live right along side us, and invade our homes and work spaces, against our best efforts to keep them away, they find a way in. And they are pretty damn difficult to kill, they eat anything, can live for waaaaay too long without a head (I’m talking weeks!) and can even handle quiet a bit of radiation because their cells do not divide as quickly as humans.  It’s hard to pin point why we hate them so much, except that they are just…nasty. They skitter, they have hard bodies that crunch when you stomp on them, they are big and they invade your personal space. Cockroaches move erratically and seem to have little to no fear of people. But aside from being little creeps, what do they actually do that’s bad? There is a preconceived notion that they are filthy and carry disease, but unless they come into contact with something nasty (think sewers, dead bodies,rotting food etc.) they actually are very clean! They incessantly groom themselves much like cats, and scientific testing has found that germs and other contaminants do not actually stick to them that easily….so they are really only as dirty as whatever they are on, or in. And without them we would be kinda screwed. They play a major role in the decomposition process and they are the main predator of bollworm and armyworm which are super destructive pests that destroy many crops in the United States.


Rats-Ok, these dudes get a pretty bad rap, and they honestly deserve some of it.Many people assume rats are very disease prone, they get this blame because of the black death which was an outbreak of the bubonic plague back in the 1300’s (we really have a hard time letting go of stuff)…..which did kill around 75,000,000 people…(ok so maybe our grudge is warranted). But the plague was transmitted by fleas of warm-blooded animals, not rats specifically, just any warm blooded animal, rats just happen to be very common, so we blamed them. But rats aren’t always blameless scapegoats, they are destructive little bastards. They cause millions of dollars of property damage a year, 20% of the world’s food crop is damaged each and every year by rats! And just because I can’t resist a gross out fact, one rat can leave 25,000 droppings in one year. They are an integral prey animal though and many other animals rely on them for a foodsource, they also make really great pets! No joke! Rats are very intelligent and engaging animals for people to keep as companions, I’ve had probably close to ten pet rats through out my life and I’ve loved having them! But if a ‘wild’ rat every got into my house…ugh….I wouldnt be nearly as happy to see it.


Honestly the tongue is a little creepy.

Snakes-This one hits a little close to home…..I love snakes! So I’ve always been a little confused by people’s out right hatred of them. They are super cool! They are statistically less dangerous to us than cars and ovens, so why do we as a species generally detest them? One theory is that its evolution, humans and primates alike have a perceptual bias, meaning we recognize snakes faster than other objects. Which was helpful back in the day when snakes were an everyday threat to our ancestors lives. But doesn’t do us a whole lot of good in our daily lives now. Snakes are very important to the ecosystem, they reduce the incidence of lyme disease by eating rodents that harbor this disease, and we learned that rodents are super destructive towards crops, and they poop a lot, so…thanks snakes for taking care of some of them for us at least? And they are usually unlikely to bother you, snakes try to avoid humans as much as possible, if I had to pick a mouse or a snake as a room-mate Id probably take the snake!


Listen to the saddest song on your playlist and look into these eight adorable eyes. 

Spiders- I’ll admit to this one, I don’t mind spiders….as long as they are a good healthy distance away. I will scream like a little bitch if one gets within touching distance of me though….spider fist bumps are not on my agenda of a good time. Why do most of us hate these little dudes? It really isn’t so much a fear of being bitten, it’s really more so in the way they move according to people much smarter than myself. They move very erratically, and let’s be honest….have way too many legs, psychology professor Jon May states that their angular legs, dark colors and the fact they are very unpredictable are all things we as a species are hard-wired to fear. But do they deserve all this negative press? Spiders kill pests, they love to munch on roaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, flies, moths and awesomely enough…other spiders! Eating pests is great, no only do we just not like a lot of the common snacks that spiders do, but those critters also tend to carry disease, so not having them around keeps us a lot safer!


Alright! Hopefully the next update will not take as long, we are going to look into the hatred behind bats, opposums, my nemesis the skunk, and coyotes! Feel free to drop me a line or any suggestions! Id appreciate it!


All the thanks to these sources:

Rachel Nuwer at–spiders-scare-Humans-hardwired-fear-angular-legs-unpredictability.html


WTF are jellyfish?

Ever have a question that keeps you up at night? Between the intrusive thoughts of that embarrassing thing I did in middle school and all the things I forgot to do that day, this one question keeps interrupting. Seriously, wtf are jellyfish?? It’s an animal, but it has no brain or a heart? How does that even work? Wouldn’t it be a plant then? And, not to be rude, but what is their point in existing? I used to be satisfied with just letting it be, leaving a little….mystery in the world, so to speak. But I finally got fed up and had to know.


I mean, they are reallllly freaking pretty though!

According to the dictionary, a jellyfish is defined as  “a free-swimming marine coelenterate with a jellylike bell- or saucer-shaped body that is typically transparent and has stinging tentacles around the edge.” Which basically answers none of my questions….thanks Websters. So to expand on this, jellyfish have been around for some 650 million years (I feel a ‘your mom’ joke coming on) and thousands of different species exist. Jellyfish aren’t even fish at all, they are basically just over-sized plankton, and can be qualified as both a plant and an animal. Which means they  fall into that same confusing grey area that corals and anemones do. Basically a plant with a little bit more personality?

Jellies are made up of 90% percent water, 10% percent mindless stinging tentacles. They do not even have much control over their own movement, most just drift around with the ocean current and can undulate their bell-like bodies to help direct them where they need to go. (Because obviously you have a lot on your schedule when you’re a brainless floating blob.) They have four to eight tentacles that they use for some vertical movement control and to sting and capture prey. They pretty much eat whatever floats by, smaller jelly fish eat plankton and mysis shrimp, bigger jellyfish will eat fish eggs and even fish themselves. Speaking of eat though, you know that old saying…don’t shit where you eat? Well that literally doesn’t apply to jellyfish. Their mouths and their butts are one in the same…..yup….they eat and poop out of the same hole. Let that one sink in for a little while.


“My mouth is also my butthole!”

Since jellyfish do not have a brain, or a heart (maybe they should call the Wizard of Oz), they rely on the nerves at the end of their stingers, they can detect touch, temperature and salt levels in the water, they then react reflexivley. Since they do not have a brain, they just live a passive life, relying on automatic responses from their nerves. And without a heart, oxygen is basically moved throughout the body via the thin ectoderm or ‘skin’, so they dont need a heart to pump it!

Despite evidence to the contrary, they are not totally useless! They are a great food source for tuna, swordfish, sharks, sea turtles and even other jellyfish. And they are a necessary part of the ocean ecosystem, feeding off of plankton and then in turn feeding other animals! So what I’ve learned….jellyfish are kind of lame, but also totally actually aliens. Fact.

A big thanks and credit for the info goes to….

Brendan D’Mello at

The website

Eat your pets!


Ok, ok…so don’t actually eat your pets please. But back in the day, specifically Texas, just a cool and easy 9,400 years ago (when it wasnt even ‘Texas’), the people who lived there were breeding and eating dogs. We know this because archaeologists found a small dog bone in ancient human fecal matter. Gross. But when your hungry, anything is game?  So, ‘man’s best friend’ may have started out as our favorite snack!

Dogs were more than likely the first animals to be fully domesticated by humans. At first it was because they were useful, they hunted with us, guarded us…and evidently…fed us as well. But over time they have gradually become the companions they are today. In the middle ages they became popular with rich ladies who loved having little ‘lap dogs’ to entertain them, these small dogs (predecessors to today’s toy breeds) also served as alarms (barking to alert its master), lap warmers, and even flea detractors…I mean, personal hygiene wasn’t really at the top of any ones list back then, so why not allow your cute, snuggly little lap dog to house all the fleas that once lived on your own body….*shudders*.

Pet ownership has had its ups and downs though, in the 16th and 17th centuries, having a pet could have even gotten you killed! During the the super awesome fun times of the witch trials, having a pet  was often times viewed as having a ‘familiar’, or a animal companion that ‘witches’ supposedly had, which was viewed as a symbol of satan. These pets were often used in the witch trials as evidence of their guilt. That’s called karma right? We ate them, then they got us killed for being witches…eye for an eye, right?? Luckily we moved past most of that nonsense and the modern way of keeping pets was basically formed in the Victorian era.blogotto

Victorians were known for keeping tons of different animals; dogs, cats, birds (even ravens!), poultry, bees, goats, donkeys, horses….and plenty of exotic animals too! Such as lemurs, monkeys and different types of reptiles. They were also super into aquariums (which I can totally relate to.)

Its not just dogs that have been domesticated for long periods of time, obviously we all know the history of the ancient Egyptians and cats. But cats basically domesticated themselves (if you can truly call a cat ‘domesticated’, thats another story), they formed a mutually beneficial relationship with humans where thecats protected us from rodent infestations and we allowed them to hang out and do their thing. And this all started some 8,000 years ago in the middle east…time flies, amiright?

People have had pets for as long as we have been….well…people! And aside from basics such as dogs and cats and modern day livestock, we also have had…well…weirder choices too. People have and still do keep, insects/arachnids (tarantulas, cockroaches, scorpions..), lizards,snakes, skunks, foxes, sugar gliders….the list goes on and on!


Thanks and credit for a lot of this information goes to…..

Alison Ault who wrote the article “Ask Smithsonian:When did people start keeping pets?” at

An article titled “The evolution of pet ownership” no author was given at

Casey Smith who wrote the article “Cats Domesticated Themselves, Ancient DNA Shows” at